Error Message : (Lint message)

Library should be updated to be compatible with Kotlin 1.3 less... (Ctrl+F1) 

Inspection info: This inspection reports kotlinx.coroutines libraries dependencies in Gradle that should be updated in order to be compatible with Kotlin 1.3+

물론 build 는 completed successfully 이지만, 수정하자.

solution :

step1. coroutines 선언 부분 삭제

kotlin {
experimental {

step2. coroutines 버전 상향 1.1.1 (2019년 3월 11일 기준)

// Coroutines
api "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:$rootProject.coroutines"
api "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:$rootProject.coroutines"

ext {
coroutines = '0.26.1'
coroutines = '1.1.1'

comments : kotlin 1.3. 버전이 출시되면서 마이그레이션 됨.

링크 참조


Gradle 'Project Name' project refresh failed

Error:Timeout waiting to lock buildscript class cache for build file 


It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.

Owner PID: *

Our PID: *

Owner Operation: *

Our operation: Initialize cache

Lock file: 

C:\ ... \.gradle\caches\ ... \ProjectScript\buildscript\


android studio


1. go to the folder & delete file -

if you can't delete for java then 

2. close android studio

3. retry 1.

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