[Eclipse][error]jquery-1.7.2.min.js error
2012. 11. 19. 09:36
Message: jquery-1.7.2.min.js error in Eclipse
Solution :
1) Right click your Project root folder in your Eclipse Project Explorer View
2) Properties > JavaScript > Include Path > Source Tab
3) Select Excluded and Edit… and then Add
4) Now you can either browse for JavaScript file which has errors or just enter a wildcard pattern which will exclude anything matched by your pattern. In my case in entered **/jquery*.js to exclude all jQuery library files.
5) Then you can hit OK, Finish and OK again
Your Eclipse Progress View should now show a Building Workspace message
The Error Symbol is gone!
By http://imwill.com/eclipse-java-ee-jquery-validation-error-workaround/#.UKl2abTx7nY