[Android][Error]Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo
[What to Did]
Cant' build Android Application
After Updated for Android SDK 17 & Android SDK Tool Rev. 22.1
[Error Message]
1. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo { ......
Casued by : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ......
2. Can't bind to local 8700 for debugger
[Solution 1 - Eclipse]
1.1 (Mouse's Right Button on Project) Properties > Java Build Path > Order and Export Tab
1.2 Check for All of CheckBox > OK
1.3 Menu > Project > Clean
1.4 Finish as Building
[Solution 2 - CMD & Eclipse]
2.1 ( CMD ) ./adb kill-server
2.2 ( CMD ) ./adb start-server
2.3 ( Eclipse ) Menu > Window > Preference > Android > DDMS
2.4. Eclipse ) Base local debugger port > Change Number (ex : 8700 -> 8601)
(source by http://www.androidpub.com/index.php?mid=android_dev_info&document_srl=2049579 )