- I trid to set up a some apk at the console window.

but file try to setup at android-emulator adb install 

[In My Case]

Apk file is maded by Google Api, 

but devices is Android Api.


1) at the cmd promt window, check the devices.

c:\....\sdk\platform-tools\adb> adb devices

2) if your device is alive, check the api version of the devices.

-> if your setup apk file is maded by Google Api,

your devices is also supported Google Api.

- message : DDMS files not found: C:\...path...\sdk\tools\hprof-conv.exe

- in my case : After ADT Update, I got the message - update version isn't matched.

- solution : just reinstall the Eclipse & ADT

- Download Eclipse ADT (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#download)

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