Message: jquery-1.7.2.min.js error in Eclipse

Solution :

1) Right click your Project root folder in your Eclipse Project Explorer View

2) Properties > JavaScript > Include Path > Source Tab

3) Select Excluded and Edit… and then Add

4) Now you can either browse for JavaScript file which has errors or just enter a wildcard pattern which will exclude anything matched by your pattern. In my case in entered **/jquery*.js to exclude all jQuery library files.

5) Then you can hit OK, Finish and OK again

Your Eclipse Progress View should now show a Building Workspace message

The Error Symbol is gone!



자바 문자열에서 큰 따옴표 인식

: " 앞에 \ 을 붙히면 큰 따옴표가 문자열로 인식!!!



System.out.println(""큰 따옴표 인식 예제"");    (Error)


System.out.println("\"큰 따옴표 인식 예제\"");    (Solution)

'IT > Java' 카테고리의 다른 글

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