[What to Did]

Cant' build Android Application

After Updated for Android SDK 17 & Android SDK Tool Rev. 22.1

[Error Message]

1. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo { ......

  Casued by : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ......

2. Can't bind to local 8700 for debugger

[Solution 1 - Eclipse]

1.1 (Mouse's Right Button on Project) Properties > Java Build Path > Order and Export Tab

1.2 Check for All of CheckBox > OK

1.3 Menu > Project > Clean

1.4 Finish as Building

[Solution 2 - CMD & Eclipse]

2.1 ( CMD ) ./adb kill-server

2.2 ( CMD ) ./adb start-server

2.3 ( Eclipse )  Menu > Window > Preference > Android > DDMS

2.4.  Eclipse )  Base local debugger port > Change Number (ex : 8700 -> 8601)

(source by http://www.androidpub.com/index.php?mid=android_dev_info&document_srl=2049579 )

Error Message : 

{"error":{"message":"(#341) Feed action request limit reached","type":"OAuthException"}}

Explanation :

페이스북에서 한 앱 id로 하루 25회까지 feed 한 이후에 에러가 떨어진다.

Solution :

1. 앱 삭제를 하고 재설치 하는 방법

2. 다른 id 값으로 저장, 실행 후 본 id로 저장,실행하는 방법

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